Monday, October 9, 2017


I drank from her cup this morning. Tears disappear in coffee, you know. I don't always know when it will rush over me. The smell of her lotion, the sight of her hairbrush, the feel of her lightweight mug--and then I miss her. Mom has been gone more than two years now. Fall is beautiful in her beloved mountains, but she said it was somewhat sad.  The changing of the leaves meant the bareness of winter was close behind.  That was one of the many things we differed on. I find the vibrant colors of fall and the crisper weather invigorating. 

It should be fall-like now as October rolls in, but here near southern salt water, land of hurricanes and humidity, it is still hot. There has been so much change in our lives and a change in weather would be welcome. We left our home of twenty-two years, the only home our grandchildren had ever known us in, the home where we cared for Mom and for the cats that came our way. We moved further south to the Charleston area, but closer to other family and that brings joy. Mom's cat died here, unaccustomed to the new surroundings and a little heart-broken. So change brings ups and downs.

Our granddaughter turned 13 yesterday. A teenager! That's a startling change, but one full of promise and excitement. After December 1, all our grandchildren will be teens. Sigh.

We have more time in this beautiful but unfamiliar place and that offers an opportunity to explore. It's good to learn new things, to keep our brains active. So here's to change. Bring it.

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